Membership of this Society is allowed for all Faculty members working in the field of life sciences or material science interested in cell biology, nanoparticles, nanostructures, disease pathogenesis & diagnosis, Nano-fabrications, and performing work related to EM. It is also opened for electron microscopy technologists working in a scientific institution.
Membership is valid for one year.
Membership benefits include:
The attendance of the annual conference of the society at a free registration for the scientific sessions.
Free access to scientific material available online.
Participation in Society social activities at reduced fees.
Membership fees for the first year is 350 E.P. then the regular yearly fees are restricted to 100E.P.
Payment of the membership fees will be done using Vodafone or Orange Cash
Mobile: 01030281558
For more information, contact the Treasurer.
Emeritus Prof.Hoda Yehia
[email protected] [email protected]
Mobile: 01001684474